On Saturday, February 10, 2024 at 12:30 am, two unknown males entered a convenience store, located at the 12300 block of Cullen, in Houston, Texas. One of the males walked up to the counter and acted as though he was going to make a small purchase while the second male remained at the front door. The male at the counter then pointed a handgun at the clerk while demanding the money from the cash register. The clerk immediately got on the ground and then heard several gunshots. The suspect fired his weapon numerous times and then fled the location with the second suspect in an unknown direction. Houston PD #200645-24
Suspect description: Black male, black pullover, black pants
and white and black shoes.
Suspect #2: Black male, black shirt with white undershirt and faded black pants.
Please contact Crime Stoppers of Houston DIRECTLY if you have any information related to this investigation. Information leading to the charging and/or arrest of any felony suspects may result in a cash payment up to $5,000. Tipsters MUST contact Crime Stoppers DIRECTLY to remain anonymous and to be considered for a cash payment by calling 713-222-TIPS (8477), submitting an online tip at www.crime-stoppers.org or through the Crime Stoppers mobile app.
The Houston Police Department Robbery Division would like to offer the following robbery prevention tips for businesses:
Employees and employers should always remain alert and observant. Things to
watch for:
Suspicious or unusual behavior from customers.
Do not try to be a hero. Take no action that would jeopardize your own safety.
MAKE MENTAL NOTES -- Make a mental note of the robber's race, age, height sex,
clothing, complexion, color of hair and eyes, etc. Note anything unusual about
the robber, such as scars or tattoos.
Keep cash at a minimum, and post notices in the doorway of this fact.
Mark the edge of the main doorway with measuring tape. This will help in
obtaining a more accurate height of the suspects.