On Friday, May 19, 2023 at 7:30 pm, four unknown males entered a meat market, located at the 6500 block of W. 43rd, in Houston, Texas. The males ran into the business with guns while demanding the money from the cash registers. Two of the males forced entry into an enclosed area used for check cashing and removed the money while the other two males removed the money from the front cash registers. The suspects then ran out of the store and got into a white single cab truck and fled the scene. Houston PD #711099-23
#1: Hispanic male, heavy set, white long sleeve shirt and black pants.
#2: Hispanic male, medium build, and black clothing.
#3: Hispanic male, medium build, blue jacket and blue jeans.
Suspect #4: Hispanic male, medium build and black clothing.
Please contact Crime Stoppers of Houston DIRECTLY if you have any information related to this investigation. Information leading to the charging and/or arrest of any felony suspects may result in a cash payment up to $5,000. Tipsters MUST contact Crime Stoppers DIRECTLY to remain anonymous and to be considered for a cash payment by calling 713-222-TIPS (8477), submitting an online tip at www.crime-stoppers.org or through the Crime Stoppers mobile app.