On Sunday, June 14, 2020 at 6:34 pm, an unknown male entered the Family Dollar, located at 10747 Homestead, in Houston, Texas. The employee inside the store recognized the male as a frequent shoplifter and attempted to keep him from coming into the store by holding on to the door closed. The male was able to overpower the female and forced the door open. The male then pushed the female employee back and threatened to harm her if she got in his way. The male then walked down an aisle, took several items, and then walked out of the store without attempting to pay for the items. The male is believed to live in the area, but his identity is currently unknown. Houston PD #787574-20
Suspect #1: Black male, 35 to 45 years old, 180 to 190 pounds, beard, red muscle shirt.
Crime Stoppers may pay up to $5,000 for
information leading to the charging and/or arrest of the suspect in this case.
Information may be reported by calling 713-222-TIPS (8477) or submitted online
at www.crime-stoppers.org