On Monday, January 4, 2021 at 1:12 pm, two unknown males entered a cell phone store, located at the 6000 block of South Gessner, in Houston, Texas. One of the males walked up to the employee, pulled out a handgun and demanded the money from the cash registers. The suspects removed the money from the registers and then went to the back office and removed phones from the safe. The suspects then fled the scene in a tan or brown four-door Ford F-150 truck. Houston PD #15326-21
Suspect #1: Black male, 5’9, 150 to 170 pounds, red shirt and black pants. Suspect #2: Black male, 5’4, 150 to 170 pounds, black hair, gray shirt and blue jeans. Suspect vehicle: Newer model tan or brown Ford F-150 four-door truck.
Crime Stoppers may pay up to $5,000 for
information leading to the charging and/or arrest of the suspect in this case.
Information may be reported by calling 713-222-TIPS (8477) or submitted online
at www.crime-stoppers.org