On Saturday, March 20, 2021 at around 11:55 pm, the complainants were sleeping inside their residence at the 400 block of E. 26th Street, in Houston, Texas. The complainants stated that they heard something at their door, at which time an unknown male forced entry by kicking the door open. Three armed males then entered the residence and forced the complainants to get on the ground. The suspects then searched through the house and removed any valuables and weapons. The suspects fled the location in a black Ford Fusion. Houston PD #372584-21
Suspect descriptions: White or Hispanic male, young, medium built, clean-shaven, unknown hair, unknown height, black hoodie, white washed blue jeans and white shoes.
Suspect #2: Black male, around 20 to 30
years of age, medium built, was wearing a Gucci mask, long braids with blonde
tips, unknown height or weight, black shirt and maroon pants
Suspect #3: Black male, around 20 to 30 years of age, slim built, was wearing a mask, short hair, unknown height or weight, black hoodie and black and white shorts.
Please contact Crime Stoppers of Houston DIRECTLY if you have any information related to this investigation. Information leading to the charging and/or arrest of any felony suspects may result in a cash payment up to $5,000. Tipsters MUST contact Crime Stoppers DIRECTLY to remain anonymous and to be considered for a cash payment by calling 713-222-TIPS (8477), submitting an online tip at www.crime-stoppers.org or through the Crime Stoppers mobile app.